The Countryside

Become a digital nomad and explore nature!
The Countryside admin February 6, 2020

Is the countryside really for me?

The advantages of living in the countryside are many. The contact with nature brings adults and children physical and psychological benefits; living in the countryside also means sleeping well, it means being able to have fresh and quality food products, being healthy and always seasonal.

In the countryside, it is possible to cultivate your vegetable garden, take care of flowers and plants, and take care of animals: all of this helps to reduce anxiety and depression. Living in the countryside means getting away from traffic, smog, from all those activities that increase stress. 

In the countryside, it is possible to undertake exciting activities such as growing organic products, outdoor sports, gardening, beekeeping, and more. 

What are the advantages of living in the countryside?

Learn about 8 different positive aspects of living in the countryside from the first perspective!

Digitalisation lets you live differently

The choice of where to live is, in most cases, related to work. The city is the first choice for many people as it’s their workplace that dictates their living place.

The pandemic and the use of smart working have changed this perspective, and there are now many job advertisements that allow one to operate remotely as a digital nomad without the need to go to the office. 

Explore the countryside digitally in 7 different ways

We’ve prepared a list of 7 ways digital tools can help you explore the countryside in a new way!

Meet the new community in one of the co-livings

Choose the option of living as a digital nomad in the countryside. Meet similar people!

Meet the community in the countryside

Moving to the countryside and changing your lifestyle is not easy and cannot happen overnight, but thanks to remote work, the opportunity to get closer to nature is more straightforward. 

The possibility of working remotely and cooperating with people worldwide via the internet gives you the chance to move and experience living in a village for a shorter or longer period.

Digital nomads take advantage of this and offer their services all over the world, while they can also change their location at any time decide to move to the countryside.

Meet the digital nomads!

Learn stories of digital nomads who decided to make a change in their life!


Think of the noise, crowded streets, and non-personal relations with the people on the streets. If you think that city brings more negative aspects than positive, it’s time to think about moving to the countryside.

It’s just different there.

There are those who want calm and those who are driven by love for the land. Someone wants a healthier life, genuine products grown or made by themselves. Someone else is driven by a love for animals, or wants a fireplace on cold winter evenings, with rain or snow as an animated background behind the window.

 Sometimes it is not the attraction to beauty but the desire to escape from the stress of the cities: escape from the traffic, angry people, and waiting in line for every commission.

Great escape to the countryside!

Learn more about experiencing the countryside and changing your lifestyle. Are you ready for the change?